- I would like to find Over the Rhine ringtones, but as of yet I have been unsuccessful.
- I saw a car this week in the parking lot outside my apartment with a "University of Okoboji" sticker on it. I almost ran into another car, trying to see who might have that sticker. I couldn't tell, but the person was just a regular Californian with CA plates and everything. Weird.
- I have been having the most bizarre dreams lately. First there was one about a college friend turned mobster/assassin who beat up a friend from grade school, and then a dream about hiking a snowy, icy mountain on the border between Mexico and the US. And I hate hiking. I prefer walking around, looking at things like plants and insects.
- My kids have all been into this book "Prep" lately, so I've been reading it. It's sort of like the Sweet Valley Twins meet the Gilmore Girls at a prep school.
- I have become a Wii Sports addict. I particularly like the tennis, although boxing can be a lot of fun too. I don't think I can get into the golf. I think the Wii appeals to me because there are some girly aspects--making your Mii (your character who plays for you), picking the outfit color, changing the face shape, accessorizing, etc. So you get that, and you get the satisfaction of beating someone in boxing.
- I'm going to the beach with friends for a weekend before I leave. I am so excited about the trip!
- There is a man in the workout room who wears headphones while working out, and sings. Out loud. Loudly. And off key. It's made me wonder about how your instincts know something is beyond normal and pushing into creepy. He creeps me out. It may also be the profuse sweating combined with the singing...I'm not sure. At least he doesn't want to watch sports.
23 hours ago