Today was my first day of my temporary job. I went into the job agency to sign up for substitute teaching. The woman mentioned that there was a data entry job available, but I said "nah, I think I"ll sub." We went through the paperwork, I signed paperwork for the umpteenth background check, and I contemplated yet another pre-employment drug test. Then, I watched the required what to expect in the classroom" video.
I saw scenes of kids questioning the teacher's authority, a teacher not knowing what to do when a procedural question came up, and the requisite "don't touch the kids" message. As I watched, I kept thinking about how much I didn't like dealing with those things in my classroom, and how much harder they would be in another person's classroom. I thought about all the lax, good times teachers I have worked with, and wondered what I would do if I had to sub. for those people.
And then I went and asked about the data entry job again. I took it, and I get to wear jeans.
Before I go on, let me just say it is the 2nd most boring job I've had in my entire life. My other job this summer was more boring because they didn't have anything for me to do, but this tedious. However, there are things that make it infinitely better, like it's temporary, I can read a book during lunch, and I can listen to my iPod while I work.
So here's what I do. I work for a bank, let's call it Schmells Bargo. And I work in a room that has signs saying "Ops 3" though no one has actually told me which department I work in. Ops 3 sounds vaguely KGB though, so that's kind of fun.
The bank gets a discounted rate for mailing if their addresses all meet a certain standard from the post office. So, it's my job to go through pages of addresses, and check them against the USPS website, then maybe change them in the database. I say "maybe" because out of the 326 I checked today, only 10 were able to be changed.
The place itself is above and beyond my previous job this summer. There are windows, the walls are not prison grey, and the lighting is good. Oh, and there is a tv in the lunchroom, and food made by people other than myself.
The people are kind of interesting. The guy who sits next to me is sort of a combination of a teacher who used to teach in the room next to mine, and the comic book store guy from the Simpsons. He's slightly rotund, has weird stubbly facial hair, and listens to a Discman. That's right, a Discman. And, he's not the only one. Apparently MP3 players have not made it to Ops 3 yet. Anyway, the best part is that he listens to Billboard Hits CDs on his Discman.
So that's Ops 3, at least day 1. I may have forgot to mention the free coffee and my ergonomic foot rest.
4 hours ago