1 day ago
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's back
I've been without a microwave for 3 weeks, and yesterday it came back! I should or could probably write some long reflection on how taking more time to prepare food made me more aware of where my food comes from, etc., etc., but I'm really just thankful that heating up lunch won't take up my whole lunch break anymore.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
not sleeping yet...
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to sleep right now, even though it's past my bedtime. So I'm staying up trying to get tired (in lieu of taking drugs), but it doesn't seem to be working. It may be another melatonin night...
So while I'm not sleeping, I've decided to write a bit. Not about anything particularly interesting, just things. I spent most of today trying to set up a wireless router for my brother, and again realized why I love the Mac. After 2 or 3 hours of trying to figure it out, I could not. I ended up writing the helpdesk for his ISP (they're not open on Sundays), and got an e-mail back that I had to reboot the modem. Duh. Except for one thing...I'm not sure where it is. His ethernet cable plugs directly into the wall. Am I supposed to unscrew the plate covering it? Is it hiding on the other side of the wall? I'm not sure...it will take more investigating.
I had then planned to go to my office (yes, adjuncts get offices!) and work on tomorrow's lesson plan, but my nephew was too darn cute to leave. I'll save you the "he's so cute" stories, and just say that when I kissed him goodby he said "do it again," and screamed at me out the window as I left. Ah, the affections of a 2 year old.
Even with the playing around with him, I had planned to go to an English faculty reading. But, that would have meant missing a walk with my brother and sister-in-law and said cute nephew. I couldn't do it, and the walk was something I really needed anyway. A good choice I think.
Driving back, I was pleased to be able to once again listed to podcasts on my iPod, after having the cigarette lighter fixed. Who knew that if a penny got stuck in there it would short out? Okay, maybe you did, but I didn't. And I didn't put the penny in there on purpose. I just found it that way, really. I was pleasantly surprised that the repair cost me only $1. Seriously, I don't usually get out of there for under $200. And I also learned they're not called cigarette lighters anymore, but something like "power port," or whatever. Regardless, I'm happy it's fixed. I always figured that having a phone charger in my car would save me if ever trapped out in the snow, and in order for that to work, the "power port" must be functional. I'll have to watch out for those rogue pennies though...
Anyway, I'm sorta tired now, and seeing as how I do have to get up regardless of when I fall asleep, I'm going to go find a sleeping pill and wait for the cats to get in cahoots with one another to decide what tonight's uncomfortable sleeping predicament will look like.
So while I'm not sleeping, I've decided to write a bit. Not about anything particularly interesting, just things. I spent most of today trying to set up a wireless router for my brother, and again realized why I love the Mac. After 2 or 3 hours of trying to figure it out, I could not. I ended up writing the helpdesk for his ISP (they're not open on Sundays), and got an e-mail back that I had to reboot the modem. Duh. Except for one thing...I'm not sure where it is. His ethernet cable plugs directly into the wall. Am I supposed to unscrew the plate covering it? Is it hiding on the other side of the wall? I'm not sure...it will take more investigating.
I had then planned to go to my office (yes, adjuncts get offices!) and work on tomorrow's lesson plan, but my nephew was too darn cute to leave. I'll save you the "he's so cute" stories, and just say that when I kissed him goodby he said "do it again," and screamed at me out the window as I left. Ah, the affections of a 2 year old.
Even with the playing around with him, I had planned to go to an English faculty reading. But, that would have meant missing a walk with my brother and sister-in-law and said cute nephew. I couldn't do it, and the walk was something I really needed anyway. A good choice I think.
Driving back, I was pleased to be able to once again listed to podcasts on my iPod, after having the cigarette lighter fixed. Who knew that if a penny got stuck in there it would short out? Okay, maybe you did, but I didn't. And I didn't put the penny in there on purpose. I just found it that way, really. I was pleasantly surprised that the repair cost me only $1. Seriously, I don't usually get out of there for under $200. And I also learned they're not called cigarette lighters anymore, but something like "power port," or whatever. Regardless, I'm happy it's fixed. I always figured that having a phone charger in my car would save me if ever trapped out in the snow, and in order for that to work, the "power port" must be functional. I'll have to watch out for those rogue pennies though...
Anyway, I'm sorta tired now, and seeing as how I do have to get up regardless of when I fall asleep, I'm going to go find a sleeping pill and wait for the cats to get in cahoots with one another to decide what tonight's uncomfortable sleeping predicament will look like.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If my cat would stop licking my computer, I'd like to write and tell you about class. (Kitties must like the MacBook Pro too!)
Class is awesome. Basically, teaching college kids rocks. At least upper level ones who are interested in your class and what you are teaching. I've never taught a required class (or any other college class before), but I'd imagine it's different.
These kids (can I call them that?) are awesome to teach. Seriously, I think that this is what I was trying to do the whole time I was teaching middle school. In thinking about that, I've realized that I was almost always disappointed with the outcome of what I'd planned with my middle schoolers. I've been planning the same types of activities with college kids, and it works. Maybe I was expecting too much from 7th and 8th graders.
Oh, and these guys are actually interested in the topic for something other than a grade. I had 2 girls (there is only one guy in the class) come up to talk with me about topics during our breaks last week. That NEVER would have happened in middle school. Here I get to share stories and outside resources with the students, and they're interested.
These guys are also polite. Last week a girl was eating chips in class and I asked her to stop. She came up and apologized after class. This week a girl had her cell phone ring in class, and the guy (the only one) was late, and both of them came up to apologize after class. Amazing...that definitely doesn't happen in middle school. In middle school you're lucky they're not farting on purpose during class.
Enough oohing and aahing over my college kids. Let's just say I love 'em.
Class is awesome. Basically, teaching college kids rocks. At least upper level ones who are interested in your class and what you are teaching. I've never taught a required class (or any other college class before), but I'd imagine it's different.
These kids (can I call them that?) are awesome to teach. Seriously, I think that this is what I was trying to do the whole time I was teaching middle school. In thinking about that, I've realized that I was almost always disappointed with the outcome of what I'd planned with my middle schoolers. I've been planning the same types of activities with college kids, and it works. Maybe I was expecting too much from 7th and 8th graders.
Oh, and these guys are actually interested in the topic for something other than a grade. I had 2 girls (there is only one guy in the class) come up to talk with me about topics during our breaks last week. That NEVER would have happened in middle school. Here I get to share stories and outside resources with the students, and they're interested.
These guys are also polite. Last week a girl was eating chips in class and I asked her to stop. She came up and apologized after class. This week a girl had her cell phone ring in class, and the guy (the only one) was late, and both of them came up to apologize after class. Amazing...that definitely doesn't happen in middle school. In middle school you're lucky they're not farting on purpose during class.
Enough oohing and aahing over my college kids. Let's just say I love 'em.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
And all the rabbits went home...
It's been tough to write lately. Some of it's busyness, but some of it is also feeling aggravated a lot, and not really wanting to write incredibly boring or lame posts. I'm over that though, recognizing that no one is forced to read. :)
The aggravation is mostly work-related, as I am feeling like I don't really agree with what's going on there, and how the program I work for is working (or not working). So that kind of leaves me flat at the end of the day, and with a vast amount of discontent. I'm not really sure what to do with that, except maybe use it as incentive to get my butt to the gym. We shall see.
So since work is not at the top of my enjoyment list right now, I have really been enjoying my free time. I include teaching my class in there, and I'm really, really liking it. I think it's something I'd like to keep doing. I'm not sure about full time b/c that would probably involve moving again and a PhD, neither of which I'm ready to do right now. But it's definitely something I am feeling like is a great outlet. The first class was scary, and sweaty (so dang hot in the building), but the last one (my second) was really good. I know the students a bit now, and they're a lot of fun. I did have to ask a girl to stop eating chips during class, and felt a bit bitchy when she said she didn't have time for dinner, but oh well...chip eating during class is annoying.

The aggravation is mostly work-related, as I am feeling like I don't really agree with what's going on there, and how the program I work for is working (or not working). So that kind of leaves me flat at the end of the day, and with a vast amount of discontent. I'm not really sure what to do with that, except maybe use it as incentive to get my butt to the gym. We shall see.
So since work is not at the top of my enjoyment list right now, I have really been enjoying my free time. I include teaching my class in there, and I'm really, really liking it. I think it's something I'd like to keep doing. I'm not sure about full time b/c that would probably involve moving again and a PhD, neither of which I'm ready to do right now. But it's definitely something I am feeling like is a great outlet. The first class was scary, and sweaty (so dang hot in the building), but the last one (my second) was really good. I know the students a bit now, and they're a lot of fun. I did have to ask a girl to stop eating chips during class, and felt a bit bitchy when she said she didn't have time for dinner, but oh well...chip eating during class is annoying.
I've also been hanging out with the family, and this weekend we went to the county fair with one of my nephews and his fam. We ate all the typical fair foods, watched a big cat show (my mom and sister-in-law thought it was going to be oversized domestic cats...it was tigers), and walked through many an animal barn. All night I wanted to go to the poultry/rabbit barn because my nephew loves bunnies. Alas, when we got there, all the cages were empty and there was sawdust piled on the floor. All the bunnies had gone home.
Here are some pictures of what they did have at thefair:

Llamas, and I kid you not, some of them were in costume.
Here are some pictures of what they did have at thefair:
Llamas, and I kid you not, some of them were in costume.
What I can only call "farm implements," because I don't know the names of really any of the machinery. I do know that family wanted pictures taken in the machinery, but my nephew was not so into the plan.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So I was reading Engrish.com tonight, and came across this, which reminded me of a good story from this summer. My parents took a vacation at the same time as my brother and sister-in-law, which meant they could hang out with my nephew a whole bunch. So one day they're at the park, and my nephew must have found a few other kids to play with. My parents were talking to them, and this is how my dad explained what happened next. He said "Well, I asked him if he wanted some candy. I told him he could come over to my car and I would give him some candy." At which point I shrieked "You did not!! That's totally what a kidnapper does." And my dad said "Well, I wasn't going to kidnap him. But he said he couldn't come over to my car, so I left the candy by his bike."
It might be way funnier if you know my dad, but I thought it was pretty darn funny.
It might be way funnier if you know my dad, but I thought it was pretty darn funny.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Did you ever notice that anytime there's a computer used on a commercial or a tv show, it's a Mac? For reals, check it out.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
So, more things...
I started teaching my class last night, and I was really quite pleased with how it went. I was kind of freaking out before it started, especially with a pile of copying to do and a copy machine that is also a printer, which meant my piles of copies were obscuring real professors' printouts. Not a good first impression.
Anyway, the kids (can I call them that?) seem cool. I've got eight girls and one guy, and so far all of them seem to want to be there, at least nominally. That's already an improvement from middle school. I did find myself saying things to them that only really apply if they're 12. Like I handed out post-it notes for an activity, and as I was giving them to the groups, I was saying "Please do not do anything with the post-it notes until I tell you to." I'm pretty sure now that wasn't necessary.
Preparing for my class was pretty much the bulk of my Labor Day weekend. I did get a chance to hang out with Ang and Ryan and child, so that was awesome too. Tonight I watched the last episode of The Wire. Awesome.
Random thought for today--although the threat of winter is an awful thought, cooler September weather is nice for mowing lawn.
Anyway, the kids (can I call them that?) seem cool. I've got eight girls and one guy, and so far all of them seem to want to be there, at least nominally. That's already an improvement from middle school. I did find myself saying things to them that only really apply if they're 12. Like I handed out post-it notes for an activity, and as I was giving them to the groups, I was saying "Please do not do anything with the post-it notes until I tell you to." I'm pretty sure now that wasn't necessary.
Preparing for my class was pretty much the bulk of my Labor Day weekend. I did get a chance to hang out with Ang and Ryan and child, so that was awesome too. Tonight I watched the last episode of The Wire. Awesome.
Random thought for today--although the threat of winter is an awful thought, cooler September weather is nice for mowing lawn.
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