Tomorrow is the first day of school, and I should be hole-punching syllabi and finding a binder to put them in. But somehow, as organized as I am about other things, it works better for me to get that all done after the first day.
So today I spent most of my day in 2nd grade, which was fun. I had the time free, so I helped Jenni do reading assessments with her kids. They were sweet. One girl wanted to hold my hand, another kept asking me who I was going to take next, I think hoping it was her turn. When it was, she wanted me to make sure I knew what a good read she is.
And then I came home and things kind of just went south. Nothing big. Just some little things that added up to a sour mood. But, that was okay, because I was going to Zumba.
That's right, Zumba. Where a roomful of white women try to pretend they have rhythm. Actually, some don't even pretend. And that's half the fun--you are just as awkward shaking your booty as your neighbor is. And, it's almost always guaranteed that there will be someone so awful that watching them in the mirror is so entertaining it takes your mind off of how hot and sweaty you are.
Tonight there was a substitute instructor. She's been in the classes before, but I've never taken a class she's taught, and if I can help it, I won't do it again. She is super enthusiastic, and I think that's why we don't mesh. I'm never very extroverted, but especially not while exercising. And if you want me to sing along to the music and shout out Zumba every once in a while, I need a drink or two first.
But all in all, the class was great. I went with a great friend, and the endorphins helped me kick the sour mood. And, tomorrow's the first day of classes. What could be bad about that?
2 hours ago