Dec. 2010
I'm not sure it's super convincing, and of course these pictures are taken from different angles and with a wide-angle lens, but I'd like to think I wasn't being a total wuss in thinking it was steeper and rockier.
The trip was also strange in some ways. My grandfather passed while we were gone. We knew it was coming, it was expected. But, it was still hard to see my mom get the news. It was also difficult for my parents to get flights out of the islands, so that complicated things.
When things weren't weird, we did our daily vacation thing, which is mostly lounging by the pool. My nephew figured out how to snorkel and loved it, which warms my heart. I love snorkeling! I bought him a pair of fins to use while we were there, which I'll give him for his birthday. My niece is too young (1 1/2) to really swim, but hung out around the pool most days. One day she scared the crap out of all of us by falling in. I happened to be closest so I grabbed her out, and I have to say I can still picture her floating there. She was fine.
Speaking of falling in the pool, I lost one of my favorite things to the chlorine/saline combo. I had been sitting on a boogieboard on the side of the pool, with my legs dangling in, reading. I had just started The Hunger Games, which was amazing, and didn't want to stop. I went in the house to get a drink, and when I came out, my dad was holding my Kindle and said he had knocked it in the pool. I literally just stood there for a moment, sure he was kidding.

He wasn't kidding. This is what a bricked Kindle looks like. Hey Jane Austen. The worst part wasn't even that it was broken, I knew he'd replace it. In fact, that was the first thing out of his mouth. The worst part was that we had nearly a week left in our vacation, and I had lost my books!!!
Before my Kindle took the plunge, I had finished two of Lauren Winner's books,
Mudhouse Sabbath (Book 1) and
Real Sex (Book 2). The day it happened, I had started
the Hunger Games (Book 3), and was reading voraciously because it was so good.
So, the first step to reading recovery was going to Barnes and Noble, where I got a paper copy of the Hunger Games and
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress (Book 4). I had the first book of the Hunger Games done that night. It's good. Mennonite in a Little Black Dress was interesting...the best word I can think of for the author is caustic. Most people who write a memoir about going home have at least some fondness or appreciation on some level for their home or upbringing. I didn't really see that here.
After finishing the Hunger Games, I couldn't not read the next one,
Catching Fire (Book 5) But, B&N didn't have a paper, I bought it on Amazon, and read it on my computer. I tried bringing the laptop out by the pool, but the sun made that impossible. So I stayed up late reading it in bed. Then reading
Mockingjay (Book 6), the last book in the series. I was less impressed with the final book than the first two, but definitely worth it.
Now I'm home, and trying to make good use of my time before school starts. I don't really do New Year's resolutions, but I have sort of thought about what I want to keep doing and start doing. I want to continue the workout routine I've gotten into, and eventually add strength training. I also want to read through the entire Bible in a year, so I've found a plan to do that.
I also want to keep cooking, something I've really grown to enjoy. It was hard not being able to cook totally my way for 2 weeks while I was gone, so I've been overjoyed to do it this week. In between doing that I've been cleaning out cupboards and organizing, and trying not to hyperventilate when I think about school starting. Okay, not just school. Clinic. And it's not like I don't think I'll be good at it, I think I will. But I have dreaded every first day of school/class, and this is no exception. I can't wait until I am 2 or 3 weeks into clinic. Oh, and then there's that whole grade thing. Yeah, not freaking out about that this semester. I'm going to keep telling myself this. Over. and Over.