Thursday, February 19, 2009

Things One Can Enjoy

Crazy latest creation at cake-decorating class. They lack what all my crafting lacks--precision. I like the idea of being crafty, and I like the process, and even sometimes the end product, but the precision is not my thing. So you might get a crooked blanket, a knitted something with holes, or a wonky clown cupcake. Just know it was made with love, and I had fun making it for you.

Here are some other things I've been enjoying lately:
  • The Current from Minnesota Public Radio. I've been working from home two days a week, and the Current has been my companion. Good stuff.
  • New music from the Current--particularly Let It Be Me and Turn Your Pretty Name Around.
  • Big Love--I started watching it before, and I think I stopped when it was taking forever to get the discs. But now there is a Netflix shipping facility in my city, so we are back on good terms.
  • The First 48. I am more than slightly addicted.
  • The Larynx. Seriously, it's awesome. Vocal folds in action are an amazing bodily function. If you don't believe me, check out the animation.
  • Podcasts. Since I drive an hour to and from school 3 days a week, podcasts are necessary and seem somewhat indulgent. I don't particularly love Disney, but some of my friends do Mousetalgia, and it's interesting even for non Disney devotees.
I guess that turned into a media list. That's okay. I wish I could add some books, but I haven't read much for fun since vacation. Then I read Animal, Vegetable, Mineral; Cane River, and A Thousand Splendid Suns. This week I picked up The View from Garden City from the "new fiction" section of the library. There's something about a book with an exotic location and women in headscarves to lure me. I'll let you know how it is.

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