Monday, August 16, 2010


I spent the day yesterday running video at church (let's not talk about how that went), and then geocaching. We found 16 caches, which was a good day's worth, but the best part was exploring Palisades State Park.

For a couple of the caches we hiked some trails into the area, and walked over the bridge at Devil's Gulch, where Jesse James supposedly jumped. I didn't get any pictures of that, but I found this sign really interesting. Not sure why mystery gets short-changed and remains uncapitalized.

We also saw three of these caterpillars on one of the paths. They were really quite beautiful. I'm curious what the spiky horn on the head (or rear?) is for. I'm also a little afraid to ask.

Not the most flattering picture, but a nice view of the scenery.

I had never been there before, but it's well worth the visit. It certainly doesn't feel like something that should exist in South Dakota.

1 comment:

donna said...

Beautiful! You'll have to take us there the next time we visit!