Saturday, October 02, 2010

My New Favorite

My new favorite, and current obsession, is overnight oats. I don't think I blogged about it, but I've been thinking about oatmeal lately. It's good for you, and though I ruled it out as a kid, I thought I might like it.

So a few weeks ago I made some hot oatmeal in my rice cooker...and it was okay. Not really any flavor though, and by the third or fourth bite the texture was making me a little gag-y.

Enter overnight oats. Ryan and Ang introduced me to them on our Okoboji weekend. And then I realized that my current favorite blog, Kath Eats Real Food, has been talking about them too (somehow I assumed she cooked them).

So the idea is simple--mix oats with yogurt and/or milk, let them sit overnight, and voila. They are a bit chewy, flavorful, cool, and ready to be topped. I am a huge fan.

1 comment:

Jason Vande Brake said...

Also awesome are the Trader Joe's Steelcut Oatmeal frozen thingies. They're like little frozen bowls of Steelcut oatmeal that you just need to pop in the microwave for 3 minutes. And steelcut oatmeal is the BEST KIND of oatmeal. Ask anyone.