(just FYI...still thinking about a cat name...perhaps Flannery or Kathleen Norris)
I am officially a worker bee. I started my new job on Monday, as a curriculum writer for an educational publisher. Only, there isn't any curriculum writing, yet. Actually, each morning in the three days I've been there I've asked my boss what I can do. He's given me this very pained look, hesitated and sucked air in through his teeth, and said he'll work on it and look for work for me to do.
Okay, so I'm trying to be patient, but why would you hire someone if you're not ready for them to do work? It's frustrating. And it makes the day long.
So I'm a member of a "pod," which means that we all have our computer stations together in one big cubicle. Monday, and most of today, I just stared at my computer, browsing the curriculum the publisher makes, "familiarizing" myself with it. Granted, I was pretty familiar with it after 8 hours of staring at it Monday. Finally near the end of the day an online teacher needed help with grading. Easy, but at least something to do. I never though that having nothing to do at work would be so boring.
I certainly hope it picks up.
Also, people here are WAY too nosy. Not like I didn't know this...it is just way more annoying than I remember. My first day of work, no fewer than three people asked me "Are you still single?" Still? Like I'm ancient? Come on, people.
Yesterday, someone asked me my last name, and then asked "Are you one of the famous ones?" How are you supposed to answer that?
Today my old high school teacher, who works near me, told everyone at lunch about how big my parents' lake house is. Just weird.
Anyway, I think the corporate world in the Midwest is way different than the Bay Area. After seeing Donna's workplace, and this one, it's night and day. There are definitely no video games here.
52 minutes ago