Dear readers, I'm writing you from a rural SD library, somewhere very far away. I'm on my lunch break, and sick of driving the 30mph it's taking to not slide off the road.
So a few quick thoughts. Though I don't want to be in the office on Valentine's Day, I don't necessarily hate it. What I do hate is the crap surrounding it. I've never liked conversation hearts, and I'm not a big pink fan. Last year no fewer than 3 moms at school asked me "Where is your pink??" with huge smiles on their faces. Gross. I just don't care for the pink stuff. Or roses, frankly, unless they're green. So really, the best Valentine's Day would be just a note or a letter, and maybe chocolate, but not heart-shaped.
Totally unrelated, it's crappy weather today where I am. I stopped at one school, and while waiting for my appt. chatted with the receptionist. She started telling me how she's worried about her sister because, "Well, you know, she's she lives alone. It's just know, there's no man around....I worry about her."
Obviously she didn't notice that my left ring finger is bare and I'm surviving just fine.
I forgot to mention that right now, as I am typing this, there is some type of large, stuffed wild cat hanging on the library wall in front of me. Maybe a bobcat? It's tan-ish, no stripes or spots. Still creepy.
Well, I should go. I have only 1 hour to travel the 34 miles to my next destination. Wish me luck and the ability to stay out of the ditch.
15 hours ago
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