So hmm, it obvious I've been avoiding it with pictures? I just haven't had much to say. I've been concentrating so hard on being content I didn't want to ruin the facade. But, alas, I took a very short weekend trip to northern CA and realized once again where my people are. Here's a hint--it's not in Okoboji or the Outdoor Campus.
Okay, so maybe that's a bit dramatic, it's the gins and tonic talking. Or gin and tonics? Either way, Tanqueray suckered me into the Rangpur gin, which seems a little obnoxious when you could just squeeze a lime into it.
The quick trip to SJC was superb. I saw just about everyone, hung out, ate Donna's amazing food and drank John's (superlative) drinks, and shopped for maternity clothes. The maternity world was a little overwhelming, so luckily there was a real pregnant lady shopping with me who could navigate it. I mostly made suggestions and praised good choices. I also could not avoid trying on the surrogate pregnant belly at A Pea in the Pod. It was lumpy and not at all baby shaped.
So other than the trip, there has been lake-going, most wonderful I should say. Most lake-going weekends include lots of eating out (what else in my family?), some shopping, and my favorite, cotton candy. Yes, I'm nearly 30, and still LOVE cotton candy. Deal. There is also some sunning, though with this super-white skin that includes a much too long dousing with SPF a billion before it can happen. Oh, and sometimes boat-riding is also included. Decent.
Now...more gin and tonic. I will try to be more inspired to write soon. If I'm not you'll know by the repeated landscapes of my backyard.
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Nice to see a post from you!
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