Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Another Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year in San Jose was a smashing good time. I stayed with Jen and Brian, who hosted the Thanksgiving festivities. Of course, the festivities started with a demonstration of the ever-wondrous steam mop.

Wed. night we prepared for the feast by ironing table linens and cutting bread into cubes for stuffing, along with various other food-related tasks. Jen and I also practiced our napkin folding skills, for which we were both sure we deserved a Calvinette badge.

The feast itself was delicious.

I got to meet Annabelle. I was asked to be her godmother, and I'm honored to be so. She's adorable, and smells like baby, spices, and soap.

We also had some fun outings. We spent a day at the de Young museum in San Francisco.

I got to wear Annabelle, and we bonded over the Yves Saint Laurent exhibit.

Then John borrowed the camera for his modeling session.

One event I did not get pictures of was an arrest on the light rail. Well, I guess it wasn't technically on the light rail, as the sheriff dragged the teenager off before wrestling him to the ground. There was also some light cursing, and a 2 or 3 year old asking what was going on. Her dad told her the teenage boys were bad, and probably spent a lot of time in time out.

An amazing trip.


Unknown said...

Wow. Fun trip. I love the comment about the time out. Quite funny.

Bridget said...

It was pretty funny. Most of the train laughed...except the kids getting arrested. :)