Saturday, March 05, 2011

It's 6:45 and I'm an hour late...

So, I get kinda paranoid the night before I fly anywhere. I usually have a hard time getting to sleep, and wake up every couple of hours to make sure I really did set the alarm clock for the right time.

It was during one of those panics last night that I realized my alarm clock was flashing 12:00 AM. No good. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on, and I realized that the door to the battery compartment was missing, and the batteries were falling out. I shoved them back in and in the fog of sleep tried to figure out what to do next...turn the light on. Look at my watch. Try to remember how to set the time. The clock is atomic and given enough time usually sets itself, so I hadn't had to reset it for a while.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost exactly 12:00 AM, so I set the clock for that, the alarm for 5:40, and went back to sleep.

And then I woke up...and the light in my entryway was on. It doesn't go on until 6:15 AM, the time when I had been planning to leave the house...yikes.

Long story short, I was late. My friend Jenni had been trying to contact me for about 20 minutes as she waited on my driveway, but I keep my phone in the living room so it doesn't wake me up, and somehow slept through the doorbell.

Thankfully I overplan so I had plenty of time and made it to the airport and through security to my gate by 7:10 for my 8:05 flight.

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