Thursday, March 02, 2006

Signed and Sealed

Today I put pen to paper and committed to one more year at my current job. This is a big deal for me since it will be my first time having a second year at a school. I felt remarkably peaceful and happy about the decision.

I know I've said it many times before, but I feel so blessed by my current life, and especially my school. Yes, there are those days when kids are doing just asinine things, and their parents are a pain in the rear, but overall the administration are just amazing in their support. The principal actually came around and physically handed out the contracts. I even got a little side hug and a "We really hope you come back next year." So thoughtful.

And so, in honor of signing my contract, I've decided to make a list of the best things about where I am right now in my life. And, I'm using Firefox so I can use bullet points:
  • Having extraordinary friends very close, and only half a state away instead of an entire country
  • Outstanding public resources, particularly the new library in my neighborhood. There's a hanging glass sculpture, and a fireplace!
  • A job that I can not only tolerate, but actually like most of the time. Added to this is colleagues that I really appreciate
  • Almost anything I'd want to do within an hour's drive
  • Becoming part of a church that I think I can call home
  • Finally feeling like I am content

1 comment:

donna said...

I'm so happy for you Bridget- I'm glad you decided to stay for another year! :)