Thursday, July 01, 2010

Things I Learned from Eclipse

Here's what I learned from the movie Eclipse last night:

1) Vampires carry backpacks from The North Face, and they also carry ginormous tents up gigantic rocky mountains, when a smaller tent really seems much more practical.

2) Vampire families do an excellent job of color coordination, and their wardrobe would make a great winter collection for some designer. Also, when preparing for battle, they don only gray and black.

3) If your boyfriend is a vampire, and you are camping in a ginormous tent from The North Face on a rocky peak and it is snowing outside, you will become hypothermic. You must have a wolfboy to keep you warm. Wolfboys are also good when you get sick of hiking because they can carry you everywhere.

4) If your boyfriend is a vampire, you will no longer have any interest in doing any activity outside of laying down and staring into his eyes, sitting down and staring into his eyes, or standing in a group of people while staring in his eyes.

5) Edward and Bella wear the same lipstick color (Sarah McQ noticed this too).

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Great post! :-D