Thursday, April 13, 2006

Going Home

I have never been this excited to go home, ever...except maybe the first time I came home from Haiti.

There are two main reasons I'm so happy:
    • Blaine. Jen and Brian helped me come up with a good nickname for him--Dougles (like muggles, but with a d). His middle name is Douglas, so that works.
    • The f-ing rain. It was finally sunny today, and it was such a gift. I took my 8th graders outside to read, and bask in the sun. But, more days of rain are on the horizon..ick. I am finally, for the first time in my life, thankful for the Iowa weather.


donna said...

trading rain for tornados? ;-)

have fun in iowa and take lots of pictures!

Bridget said...

The fun already started--on my first flight today there was a lot of turbulence and I threw up, 3 times. Bring on the fun! :)