Sunday, December 17, 2006

No snow???

First, a seventh grade moment of brilliance. Some boys decided it would be a good idea to steal matches from the school office, burn another student's sweatshirt, and then lie about it to the principal in front of the 43 other seventh-graders, of whom probably 90% actually saw it happen. Boys and their fires...

So I'm home, navigating the family holiday maze, and I'm thoroughly disappointed that there is no snow. There is a weak promise of snow today, but I'm not counting on it. I'll blame global warming, and the poor judgement of 7th graders.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Hey Bridget, I'm all for blaming seventh graders for things, but I don't think they are responsible for the lack of snow.

You're lucky you're home - I'm sitting in my classroom grading endless mounds of work.