Thursday, May 11, 2006

sad face

I did not get the summer job I wanted.

And I have a middle seat on my flight home tomorrow night.


jason vande brake said...

Sorry the job didn't work out, Bridge. Any other prospects?

Maybe you'd like to come down to SoCal to visit your friends!

Bridget said...

Thanks, Jas. Other prospects include basically travel and visit people. Or temp work. Probably the former.

As far as visiting, I'm holding on to the camping idea. You guys in?

jason vande brake said...

Are we talking like camping camping? Or like cabin camping. Because I think camping camping might be a terrible idea. Like in a tent. I don't think I'd be very good at that and I think Amanda might be even less good.

Bridget said...

I was thinking camping camping...just picture it, we can wear comfy pants all weekend, have campfires, have a good reason not to shower...maybe we could do all that in cabin camping too...