Monday, June 05, 2006


Has anyone read or seen Jpod, the newest Douglas Coupland novel? I read somewhere that it's supposed to be the Microserfs of the Google generation. I was really disappointed with Miss Wyoming, so I'm a little leary of this book messing up Microserfs for me too. Anyone read it?


donna said...

No, I haven't read that one, but now I'm totally going to read Microserfs :-D. As long as it's better than Eleanor Rigby.

Bridget said...

Yeah, I didn't mind Eleanor Rigby, but didn't love it either. I'm beginning to wonder if I liked Microserfs so much because I read it a long time ago, in college I think. I should read it again now and see if I'm still as interested. Have you read Miss Wyoming, Donna? I bought it on tape to listen to from Iowa to North Carolina, and hated it so much I turned it off. That was a sad trip for 20 hours with just the radio.

donna said...

I haven't read that one either- and probably won't, based on your review. It sucks to be disappointed with audio books on trips. I think I might start choosing them by the reader- I wonder if the Harry Potter guy has done any other...

Also, if I remember right, The Corrections has a pretty good reader, just in case you're going on a road trip soon.

jason vande brake said...

I can't wait to read Jpod this summer (when I have time)... Yeah, Eleanor Rigby was only slightly better than Miss Wyoming, which was bad. Hey, Nostradamus was great, though. I also wonder about Microserfs. I loved, loved, loved it when I read it but that was, whoo, eight years ago, now?

Also, I did a scene from The Corrections in my acting class a while back. I really liked reading it, but I'm a little turned off by Jonathan Franzen. He's said some dumb things about the worth and necessity of experiemental fiction in the last year or two.